At Integrated Waste Management, Inc. Attended by its guest speaker the President of the Republic of the Philippines, Pres. Rodrigo Duterte at Aguado, Trece Martirez, Cavite.

The head organizer of the event used a make shift grand tent as the meeting place of some top government officials and President Duterte with our Airrex portable aircon cooling them comfortably. We highly thanked the chief of admin staff, the head organizer and thanking the President for trusting our product as the best portable aircon in the Philippines.

Actually the Malacanang admin chief chatted us and says its his first time to see such kind of huge portable aircon machine with strong breeze of cold air and we are flattered. Thank you so much for such a feedback!

If you need this heavy duty portable aircon just message us at Globe: 0906-4300230 | Smart: 0939-2865007 and look for Engr. Jules Juvida to discuss with you about this great product, South Korean made Airrex portable aircon machines and the current rates on both sales and rental. 

Visits: 1849

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